Truncation Induction
Here is an example of something I could prove that McCarthy couldn’t:
Given the equations:
f(x,y) = P(x) ? y : H(f(N(x)))
g(x,y) = P(x) ? y : g(N(x), H(y))
The functions f and g are equivalent, regardless of what x, P, H, and N are.
In normal induction we needed N(x) to be something that drives x towards a value in which P is true. Instead we do it by inventing a series of “truncated functions” fi and gi that are defined by:
f0, and g0 are both the empty function. We say f0(x, y) or g0(x, y) is w, meaning undefined or the program Runs forever.
function fi+1(x, y) = P(x) ? y : H(fi(N(x)))
gi+1(x, y) = P(x) ? y : gi(N(x), H(y))
Base step:
f0(x, y) = w == g0(x, y)
f1(x, y) = P(x) ? y : H(x, f0(N(x)))
= P(x) ? y : w
= P(x) ? y : g0(N(x), H(y))
= g1(x,y)
Induction step: Assume it’s true for all 1≤ i
gi+1(x,y) = P(x) ? y : gi(N(x), H(y))
= P(x) ? y : fi(N(x), H(y))
by the induction hypothesis
= P(x) ? y : P(N(x)) ? H(y): H(fi-1(N2(x), H(y)))
= P(x) ? y : H(P(N(x)) ? y : fi-1(N2(x), H(y))
by “factoring” H out of the conditional
= P(x) ? y : H( P(N(x)) ? y : gi-1(N2(x), H(y)))
by the induction hypothesis
= P(x) ? y : H(gi(N(x), y))
= P(x) ? y : H(fi(N(x),y) by the induction hypothesis
== fi(x, y)
This result holds regardless of whether the functions are defined or not.